Wednesday, August 26, 2009

8-bit trip

1500 hours of moving legobricks and take photos of them.

Very Cool!

Just for fun :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Chapter 4 The Secret Map

Jonathan Riddleman came out to welcome him. His strong hand shook Michael’s hand hardly. “Come on in, my boy.”
“What’s going on here?” Michael looked at him warily.
“Five days ago we’ve got a secret parcel from Boston. Nina will tell you the details about it. This is our secret base, but the package was for you.”
“For me?” Michael was surprised. He did nothing special in his entire life!

They walked in the basement of the factory. Nina Riddleman stood there, like a rock. “Good timing, Mr. Deschain.”
She continued, “Someone in Boston sent you a package, I don’t know why, but you really helped a lot, this place was what me and my dad looked for years.” She took the package to a table near where Michael was standing, turned on the light. The package seems normal, Nina took out a map from the package.
The Map of the Winslet Palace. And a familiar font, the word shows “CLASSIFIED”.
Michael was totally confused, why was the map and all the stuff be my business? Just because the name was same with the circus? They burned the circus! That was the place I worked in!
This place will change your life. Sun will still rise. Fortunately for you, Mr. Michael Deschain.
Who was that? Who said to me through my brain?
Nina was still talking to him, pointing at the map, but Michael couldn’t listen to it. A voice in his brain, louder and louder, saying over and over again…

Michael fell to the floor, unconsciously.

Nina said, “That was fast.”
Jonathan said, “Ya, bring him to the truck. We are going to see the king.”

Top 5 things to see in Canada

No.1 CN Tower

You will never visit Toronto without visit the CN Tower. It was the world's tallest building, highest point 553m above the ground, the views of Toronto and Lake Ontario are so amazing, you could even see Niagara Falls in 150km away when it was a clear sunny day. Take the elevator to the top, and you got Toronto!

No.2 Banff National Park

Banff National Park maybe is the most beautiful place in Canada, a World Heritage Site designated by the UN. I've never been there before, but I do know, this is the best place in Canada, if you want to take a long flight to Alberta. I want to go there to spend a long time too, great forest, great lake, BNP will be the best place for your long vacations.

No.3 Canada's Wonderland

Canada's biggest and most popular theme park, over 20 roller coasters, a huge water park too, but I've heard it just opens in summer, But everyone goes there!
If you have one day in Canada, go to Wonderland!

No.4 Rocky Mountains

The Rocky Mountains are an icon of Canada and an unparalleled sight that is impressive in every way. Everybody knows The Rocky Mountains in China because it was an important point in grade 7 geography. I want to go to The Rocky Mountains, more than The Himalayas, because The Himalayas are too dangerous.

No.5 Loblaws

Nothin', ... i love loblaws... everybody goes to loblaws...