Thursday, October 15, 2009

Chapter 10 New Life Begins

Michael stayed at home for a week, for a restful week. The circus’ burnt has considered an accident, and now the new tent is building. He can go back to work after this weekend, after this crazy week.

Nina and Jonathan Riddleman were both arrested by criminal of fraud and indirectly murder, which frightened Michael Deschain and caused George Walsh’s death. The ring was taken by the police just for these days, and it will be returned to Michael when the trial sends Nina and Jon into jail. Also because of Michael has got life frightened, he got pretty much insurance money for that. He wants to get a new car, to replace Mint, which is the broken car that staying at Michael’s garage.

The ring was a marvelous piece of jewelry, with diamonds and ruby on it, peaceful and beautiful. In 1880s, it has been added some kind of false magic by some “magicians”, said that it could get power of the sun and took away people’s luck. Minerva Deschain got the ring and buried it in a case because she doesn’t want to see people’s luck has been taken away. Minerva recorded the whole thing in her journal, which Nina Riddleman found and read it, she researched about it, and wanted to get the ring by using her only great-grandson.

Michael wants to give the ring to the world by putting it into an auction. That is a good way for both the ring and Michael, and Michael will get away from bad luck, live and have a better live in the future.

The sun still rises. It rises for every human being.

The End

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