Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Chapter 5 The George King

A Mack Truck, Titan, driving on highway 495.

Jon said, “Is Kelly also there?”
Nina said, “She supposes to, if she’s there than we’ll have a full group to find the thing.”
“So we have the enough things to get it! I can’t wait.” Jon said, “How’s the kid?”
“Still sleeping.”
“Ya, we can’t make it without him.”
“So we’re so close to the thing now.”

George Walsh, AKA The George King, a prophet in MA, he calls himself a wizard, that he can feel special things happened, he always researches for some weird things, half of all information about the Winslet Palace was from him.

3 years ago, he searched a place calls the Winslet Palace, there is a gold ring made in Europe hiding in there, the ring was from an ancient Greek story, it said this ring can absorb the energy of the sun, and take out all of luck from people. It has brought from France to USA by a woman called Minerva Deschain, after Nina Riddleman’s research, she is Michael’s no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing grand-grand-grandmother.

Nina Riddleman, researcher of weird things too, a private organization’s leader, she knows about Hypnosis. Her organization started to research about the Winslet Palace just a few months after George, and now these two people are bargaining about information and stuff, they will bring Michael to see George and George will give them some important information.

Jon was very interesting in George. Through the phone he knew that he’s the same age as George, and they already decides to share the treasure if they can find it. Jon is a blacksmith, so he has two super strong arms, but not George. George is just supplying information.

They already arrived. It’s a small house in purple color.

Nina had a deep breath, “We are so close to the sun now.”

She knocked at the door.

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