Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Chapter 8 Flash and Forward

Finished checking everything, Mint, the Ford Mustang 1993 limited 107 Cobra R 335 hp, has driven into Hwy 495 again. But opposite way this time, Michael’s driving to east, city of Methuen.
The map showed the blueprint of his car, Mint, and the car was bought in Methuen, which is the city that Michael lived during high school. Jon didn’t come; he went to check George King today, only Nina sat beside Mike.

Every step that you take could be your biggest mistake. Yesterday night Michael got this message thru his brain.
Mint ran so fast. 80 mph. 85 mph. Every step that you take could be your biggest victory. Michael thought.
90 mph.

Jon drove into George Walsh’s parkway. He locked the door of his truck.
The door was open. Jon went in.u
A broken vase on the floor. The pistol, the…
Jon couldn’t calm anymore.

Nina’s phone rang. She didn’t even hear it right away; Mint was making a huge noise on the speed of 91 mph. It’s not even quite far from Lowell to Methuen, and Nina didn’t realize what’s actually going on. She answered the phone. “He’s done?” “Yes, go plan B, right away. I’m on my way there.” “You got his weapon?” “Ya, in my pocket. I’m on my way.” “OK, hurry up.” Nina hang up the phone after talking to Jon, turned to Michael.
“Michael, Jon’s coming too.”
Michael didn’t say anything.
Still nothing.
She suddenly turned her head; saw Michael’s eyes are burning in color of blue. Michael already ran out of mind.
“Michael! Wake up!!” She slapped on his face, fortunately she didn’t slap that hard, and fortunately, Michael suddenly woke up. “What the hell?” He said when he found he was driving in the car by the point that he just woke up, and tried to control the speed that was already super fast on the Hwy.
Fortunately, the car didn’t hit anyone, and fortunately Michael got the speed down after a 3-minute breakdown. He got stuck in his brain. Every step that you take could be your biggest mistake.

But unfortunately, Mint’s dying.

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