Friday, December 18, 2009

Top 10 thing for Michael's Class

No.10 home journals

It's indeed fun, the journals that I write at home helped at least 50% in my total improvements during the 8 months in this class, though sometimes I couldn't finish them on time.

No.9 Dictionary

Brilliant idea, but I haven't update it for a long time, seemed like we already ditched the idea of it.

No.8 In-class journals

I am mostly talking about the recipe! (________ writing) I love food, not many people know that my favourite channel is food network. Plus you can have ridiculously random ideas of the recipe because you won't really do the cooking anyways.

No.7 Holes

The reason why it's at no.7 is because we didn't really finish the book. It was kind of a crazy idea for digging holes in bad kids' camp.

No.6 Woe Is I Jr.

I haven't really talked about it through the months after I got it, but it's a great book, the pictures and the comics are very funny, and I needed it summer but I don't need it anymore. I think I graduated from it.

No.5 Frindle

The first book have ever read in the class. I learned pretty much from it. Though now it's too easy for me.

No.4 Comparisons

It used to be no.1, because I really enjoyed it but I don't want to be too arrogant, so it went down to no.4. From the first journal book to the third, from Frindle's first chapter to irs last, comparisons are really satisfying.

No.3 Tom is the TEACHER

You know I love to watch Jay Leno's show. He is the real genius. => That means I love talk shows. => That means I love to talk. => That means I love "Tom is the TEACHER".

No.2 EnglishSmart

The real cool stories in there, it's a grade 8 book so it's the closest to my present grade, which is a little bit harder to me at first, especially the crossword part... but now I found something really convinience to deal with the crosswords; answers are at the back!


Do I still need to explain?

Mai Ke Er Xie Er Si Fa Ming Le Quan Shi Jie Zui Hao De WORD DUEL!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tea Balls!

A tea ball is the thing that keep leaves out of tea when brewing. It is formally called a tea infuser. It works exactly the same fuction as tea bag.
Tea balls became more and more popular is because there are more and more people started to drink tea, but most people don't like drinking WITH the leaves. And tea ball is cheaper and reusable, so it's more popular than tea bags.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

This is it has realesed on October 26, 'till now it got #1 album in over 16 countries' national music charts, and it's already a Platinum album!

1. "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'" 6:03
2. "Jam" 5:39
3. "They Don't Care About Us" 4:46
4. "Human Nature" 4:06
5. "Smooth Criminal" 4:18
6. "The Way You Make Me Feel" 4:59
7. "Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground)" 3:54
8. "I Just Can't Stop Loving You" 4:12
9. "Thriller" 5:58
10. "Beat It" 4:18
11. "Black or White" 4:17
12. "Earth Song" 6:47
13. "Billie Jean" 4:55
14. "Man in the Mirror" 5:20
15. "This Is It" (album version) 3:38
16. "This Is It" (orchestra version) 4:55

Disc two
# Title Length
1. "She's Out of My Life" (demo version) 3:19
2. "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'" (demo version) 5:43
3. "Beat It" (demo version) 2:05
4. "Planet Earth" (poem)

My favourite tracks:

No.3 This is It (orchestra version)
This is the only song in the movie that made me cry. As I know, some people cried in the theatre started from the commercials before the movie and ended until bed, non-stop. The lyrics has fit extremely perfectly about the intrigue of his death. How couldn't it make you cry?

No.2 Smooth Criminal
Michael's power never goes into dead ends. Smooth Criminal's lyrics, well, and the song itself, are all pointing to the bright side. If you hear this song in this album, than it means you can't forget him ever in your life anymore.

No.1 Human Nature
Human Nature is always my favourite than any Michael Jackson's songs, tens of superstars sing this song and put them into their albums, my favourite covers of this song are John Mayer's(with Guitar) and Matt Giraud's(with piano). Best song ever.

No.1 for least favourite
Not sure that why they put this song in such a front place, I just know that this song is a new one, but really not enjoying it.

R.I.P Michael Joseph Jackson(1958.8.29 - 2009.6.25).

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Chapter 10 New Life Begins

Michael stayed at home for a week, for a restful week. The circus’ burnt has considered an accident, and now the new tent is building. He can go back to work after this weekend, after this crazy week.

Nina and Jonathan Riddleman were both arrested by criminal of fraud and indirectly murder, which frightened Michael Deschain and caused George Walsh’s death. The ring was taken by the police just for these days, and it will be returned to Michael when the trial sends Nina and Jon into jail. Also because of Michael has got life frightened, he got pretty much insurance money for that. He wants to get a new car, to replace Mint, which is the broken car that staying at Michael’s garage.

The ring was a marvelous piece of jewelry, with diamonds and ruby on it, peaceful and beautiful. In 1880s, it has been added some kind of false magic by some “magicians”, said that it could get power of the sun and took away people’s luck. Minerva Deschain got the ring and buried it in a case because she doesn’t want to see people’s luck has been taken away. Minerva recorded the whole thing in her journal, which Nina Riddleman found and read it, she researched about it, and wanted to get the ring by using her only great-grandson.

Michael wants to give the ring to the world by putting it into an auction. That is a good way for both the ring and Michael, and Michael will get away from bad luck, live and have a better live in the future.

The sun still rises. It rises for every human being.

The End

Monday, October 12, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Chapter 9 The Forgotten Ring

Half an hour later, Jon arrived and picked Michael and Nina up, Mint was dead and parked by the road, and the engine was already not working. Michael was pretty upset about his car, he didn’t even know why did he drive so fast. Mint will be on the truck until it gets fixed.
Jon was putting Mint in his truck. “Nina!” He called. Nina came over, carefully, made sure that Michael was not looking at her, and took the gun from his father. Michael didn’t see her at that time, and he didn’t know their plan.
Briefly, they arrived into the Winslet Palace, which is a cave. Michael felt very well today, he’s just going in to this place, get his great grandmother’s ring, and decide what to do next. He didn’t even get a brain message after sitting on the truck. And also, he is prepared. He even brought his own pistol because yesterday George king really terrified him. He didn’t even know what was wrong with him. But he has confidence, he lost his job the day before yesterday, but he is now sure the job will come back to him right after this has done.
But he didn’t tell anyone that he brought his gun. Every step you take would be your biggest victory. Michael was so confident for that.

It was a deserted place with some trash that didn’t clean after construction. Nobody was here. Followed the map, they found a box on the ground quickly; Michael crouched down and opened it, saw a black jewelry box with a name on it. Minerva Deschain.

Here we go, Nina thought. Nina was the most nervous in them three, nobody knows her plan.
Michael opened the smaller box. The ring was right there with a Glad plastic wrap on it. Nina pulled out the pistol at the moment that she saw the ring safe. “Hands up! Stand up right there and don’t move!” Michael thought, that was what I want for exciting myself. He pulled his pistol out at the almost same time that Nina shouted out, and fired it.

An hour later, the police came and took away Nina and Jon, Jon had no gun, Michael knocked him down instead of shooting him. Nina was shot in right arm. Michael’s such a good shooter! Michael went to police office for statement, with his great grandmother’s ring.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Chapter 8 Flash and Forward

Finished checking everything, Mint, the Ford Mustang 1993 limited 107 Cobra R 335 hp, has driven into Hwy 495 again. But opposite way this time, Michael’s driving to east, city of Methuen.
The map showed the blueprint of his car, Mint, and the car was bought in Methuen, which is the city that Michael lived during high school. Jon didn’t come; he went to check George King today, only Nina sat beside Mike.

Every step that you take could be your biggest mistake. Yesterday night Michael got this message thru his brain.
Mint ran so fast. 80 mph. 85 mph. Every step that you take could be your biggest victory. Michael thought.
90 mph.

Jon drove into George Walsh’s parkway. He locked the door of his truck.
The door was open. Jon went in.u
A broken vase on the floor. The pistol, the…
Jon couldn’t calm anymore.

Nina’s phone rang. She didn’t even hear it right away; Mint was making a huge noise on the speed of 91 mph. It’s not even quite far from Lowell to Methuen, and Nina didn’t realize what’s actually going on. She answered the phone. “He’s done?” “Yes, go plan B, right away. I’m on my way there.” “You got his weapon?” “Ya, in my pocket. I’m on my way.” “OK, hurry up.” Nina hang up the phone after talking to Jon, turned to Michael.
“Michael, Jon’s coming too.”
Michael didn’t say anything.
Still nothing.
She suddenly turned her head; saw Michael’s eyes are burning in color of blue. Michael already ran out of mind.
“Michael! Wake up!!” She slapped on his face, fortunately she didn’t slap that hard, and fortunately, Michael suddenly woke up. “What the hell?” He said when he found he was driving in the car by the point that he just woke up, and tried to control the speed that was already super fast on the Hwy.
Fortunately, the car didn’t hit anyone, and fortunately Michael got the speed down after a 3-minute breakdown. He got stuck in his brain. Every step that you take could be your biggest mistake.

But unfortunately, Mint’s dying.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Chapter 7 Krakozhia Orchid

“Hey, yo put the gun down king! What’s wrong?” Jonathan asked scarily, he stood in front of Nina, with both hands in the air.
“The deal is not fair! Look at me! Do I look like someone that cheats you? Did you ever seen a cheat someone?” George roared. He took out a piece of paper. Michael has easily recognized it out. Italic word CLASSIFIED. He has seen it millions of times today.
“You already had the map but still wanted my map? You think it’s funny? You think I easily got that aren’t you. Do you guys seriously want me to fire this freaking pistol? Huh? Are you serious? I can fire it right now and the bullet will be right in your head Jon. I am…”

Actually George Walsh has never used a gun before. He didn’t even know how a gun could work. It was just for protecting himself for emergency, bought by his wife who has died in cancer 2 years ago.
It’s not important. The important thing was.

The important thing was his pistol fizzled out. No one get hurt.

When George realized he didn’t hit anyone, there were already no one left in his sight. “DAMN IT!!” He roared in a higher voice. He fell all his stuff on the ground. He hated that feeling, that being cheated. He felt helpless. He started a fire, and the CLASSIFIED files have burnt in fire.

On Hwy 495, Jonathan drove the truck as fast as he could. “Thanks, Nina.” Michael said. Nina just made George slept for a few seconds by her hypnosis skills. “You’re welcome, but though we escaped, we still owe him a lot.” “It’s OK, we just need to find it out.” Jon said.
Nina looked at the map. “We already got the target. It’s already 11, we need to go back and pack, mission starts tomorrow.”

George walked in his little purple room. He got a little calm right now. There is a purple vase in his cupboard. There are some white orchids in it. George held the vase in his hand. He let go of his hand, the vase was broke. He took his pistol out. “The sun will still rise, but it doesn’t need me anymore.”



Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Chapter 6 Massachusetts Surrenders

Nina woke Michael up. While he was sleeping in the truck for one and a half hour, Nina already told him everything about his great-great-grandmother and her ring, through Michael’s mind. Even though Michael was still a little bit scared, because it was really like you were abducted; and he still felt weird about all this stuff. His dad has never told him about his great-grandmother.
George shook Jonathan’s hands. He said: “So here’s the map, is anybody wants to know any other information?” Michael took the map.

“What is this?!”
“I believe that was not what your great-great-grandmother has left, but other people.” George said, “But this is definitely what you guys are looking for.”
“So what do you want?” Jon asked.
“If you get the thing, you will know. You will.”

After a little conversation about how was that map come to George, they left with the map.
When Michael wanted to close the door, a sound said: “Don’t close the door. Keep it open.” Michael was confused, he wanted to get used to the sound in his head so much, but he couldn’t, and Nina doesn’t know why either. He did it, he kept the door opening.

“Put your hands up! Right now!” George rushed out of his house, with a pistol in his hand.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Chapter 5 The George King

A Mack Truck, Titan, driving on highway 495.

Jon said, “Is Kelly also there?”
Nina said, “She supposes to, if she’s there than we’ll have a full group to find the thing.”
“So we have the enough things to get it! I can’t wait.” Jon said, “How’s the kid?”
“Still sleeping.”
“Ya, we can’t make it without him.”
“So we’re so close to the thing now.”

George Walsh, AKA The George King, a prophet in MA, he calls himself a wizard, that he can feel special things happened, he always researches for some weird things, half of all information about the Winslet Palace was from him.

3 years ago, he searched a place calls the Winslet Palace, there is a gold ring made in Europe hiding in there, the ring was from an ancient Greek story, it said this ring can absorb the energy of the sun, and take out all of luck from people. It has brought from France to USA by a woman called Minerva Deschain, after Nina Riddleman’s research, she is Michael’s no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing grand-grand-grandmother.

Nina Riddleman, researcher of weird things too, a private organization’s leader, she knows about Hypnosis. Her organization started to research about the Winslet Palace just a few months after George, and now these two people are bargaining about information and stuff, they will bring Michael to see George and George will give them some important information.

Jon was very interesting in George. Through the phone he knew that he’s the same age as George, and they already decides to share the treasure if they can find it. Jon is a blacksmith, so he has two super strong arms, but not George. George is just supplying information.

They already arrived. It’s a small house in purple color.

Nina had a deep breath, “We are so close to the sun now.”

She knocked at the door.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

8-bit trip

1500 hours of moving legobricks and take photos of them.

Very Cool!

Just for fun :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Chapter 4 The Secret Map

Jonathan Riddleman came out to welcome him. His strong hand shook Michael’s hand hardly. “Come on in, my boy.”
“What’s going on here?” Michael looked at him warily.
“Five days ago we’ve got a secret parcel from Boston. Nina will tell you the details about it. This is our secret base, but the package was for you.”
“For me?” Michael was surprised. He did nothing special in his entire life!

They walked in the basement of the factory. Nina Riddleman stood there, like a rock. “Good timing, Mr. Deschain.”
She continued, “Someone in Boston sent you a package, I don’t know why, but you really helped a lot, this place was what me and my dad looked for years.” She took the package to a table near where Michael was standing, turned on the light. The package seems normal, Nina took out a map from the package.
The Map of the Winslet Palace. And a familiar font, the word shows “CLASSIFIED”.
Michael was totally confused, why was the map and all the stuff be my business? Just because the name was same with the circus? They burned the circus! That was the place I worked in!
This place will change your life. Sun will still rise. Fortunately for you, Mr. Michael Deschain.
Who was that? Who said to me through my brain?
Nina was still talking to him, pointing at the map, but Michael couldn’t listen to it. A voice in his brain, louder and louder, saying over and over again…

Michael fell to the floor, unconsciously.

Nina said, “That was fast.”
Jonathan said, “Ya, bring him to the truck. We are going to see the king.”

Top 5 things to see in Canada

No.1 CN Tower

You will never visit Toronto without visit the CN Tower. It was the world's tallest building, highest point 553m above the ground, the views of Toronto and Lake Ontario are so amazing, you could even see Niagara Falls in 150km away when it was a clear sunny day. Take the elevator to the top, and you got Toronto!

No.2 Banff National Park

Banff National Park maybe is the most beautiful place in Canada, a World Heritage Site designated by the UN. I've never been there before, but I do know, this is the best place in Canada, if you want to take a long flight to Alberta. I want to go there to spend a long time too, great forest, great lake, BNP will be the best place for your long vacations.

No.3 Canada's Wonderland

Canada's biggest and most popular theme park, over 20 roller coasters, a huge water park too, but I've heard it just opens in summer, But everyone goes there!
If you have one day in Canada, go to Wonderland!

No.4 Rocky Mountains

The Rocky Mountains are an icon of Canada and an unparalleled sight that is impressive in every way. Everybody knows The Rocky Mountains in China because it was an important point in grade 7 geography. I want to go to The Rocky Mountains, more than The Himalayas, because The Himalayas are too dangerous.

No.5 Loblaws

Nothin', ... i love loblaws... everybody goes to loblaws...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Today's Best Music 06/17/09

My favourite one! Ondine, written by Ravel.



Just my favourite..

Welcome to the jungle

Welcome to the jungle
We got fun 'n' games
We got everything you want
Honey we know the names
We are the people that can find
Whatever you may need
If you got the money honey
We got your disease


In the jungle
Welcome to the jungle
Watch it bring you to your shun n,n,n,n,,n,n,,n,n,n,,n,n,,n knees, knees
I wanna watch you bleed

Welcome to the jungle
We take it day by day
If you want it you're gonna bleed
But it's the price you pay
And you're a very sexy girl
That's very hard to please
You can taste the bright lights
But you won't get them for free
In the jungle
Welcome to the jungle
Feel my, my, my serpentine
I, I wanna hear you scream

Welcome to the jungle
It gets worse here everyday
Ya learn ta live like an animal
In the jungle where we play
If you got a hunger for what you see
You'll take it eventually
You can have anything you want
But you better not take it from me


And when you're high you never
Ever want to come down, so down, so down, so down YEAH!

You know where you are
You're in the jungle baby
You're gonna die
In the jungle
Welcome to the jungle
Watch it bring you to your shu n,n,n,,n,n,,n,n,n,,n,n,,n,n,,n knees, knees
In the jungle
Welcome to the jungle
Feel my, my, my serpentine
In the jungle
Welcome to the jungle
Watch it bring you to your shun n,n,n,n,,n,n,,n,n,,n,n,,n.n, knees, knees
In the jungle
Welcome to the jungle
Watch it bring you to your
It's gonna bring you down!


Nothing to say... Rock GOD!!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Finally the bird's picture comes...

Look! Look at the bird!!!


It is my best picture ever I think... The bird... The CN Tower...


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Today's Best Music 06/11/09

Today's Best Music is James Blunt <1973>.

James Blunt is a very talent Folk & Pop singer. His songs are pretty good. His songs are all wrote by himself! Talented song-writer!

BTW, 1973 is the year that my house built...=v=

(in order)
1.You're Beautiful
2.Goodbye My Lover
3.Give Me Some Love
5.Tears And Rain
6.One of the Brightest Star
7.Same Mistake
8.No Bravery



You're getting older
Your journey's been
Etched on your skin

Wish I had known that
What seemed so strong
has been and gone

I would call you up everyday Saturday night
And we both stayed out 'til the morning light
And we sang, "Here we go again"
And though time goes by
I will always be
In a club with you
In 1973
Singing "Here we go again"

Wish I was sober
So I could see clearly now
The rain has gone

I guess it's over
My memory plays our tune
The same old song

I would call you up everyday Saturday night

And we both stayed out 'til the morning light
And we sang, "Here we go again"
And though time goes by
I will always be
In a club with you
In 1973
Singing "Here we go again"

I would call you up everyday Saturday night
And we both stayed out 'til the morning light
And we sang, "Here we go again"
And though time goes by
I will always be
In a club with you
In 1973
Singing "Here we go again"

I would call you up everyday Saturday night
And we both stayed out 'til the morning light
And we sang, "Here we go again"
And though time goes by
I will always be
In a club with you
In 1973
Singing "Here we go again"

And though time goes by
I will always be
In a club with you
In 1973



Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Today's Best Music 06/10/09

Today's best music is Take That "She said" from a fantastic album "The Circus".

Here are the lyrics.

My love
Was filled with trouble
With indecision, therapy and pain

You know that my love
It was going nowhere
It would have driven any normal man insane

Oh, but then she said she wanted to dance
She said she wanted to move
She said she wanted a good time
Girl, I think I love you

My love
As bad as fast food
As low as dueces in a gamblers hand

You know that my love
Was long, long hang over
Ain't got no houses or no money or no land

Oh, but then she said she wanted to dance
She said she wanted to move
She said she wanted a good time
Girl, I think I love you

Shake it
Everybody now shake it
Everybody just step to the right, jump up, turn around and shake it

Everybody now boogey
Everybody now boogey
Everybody put your hands in the air, turn around everybody
Let's boogey

My love
Was filled with trouble
With indecision, therapy and pain

You know that my love
It was going nowhere
It would have driven any normal man insane

Oh, but then she said she wanted to dance
She said she wanted to move
She said she wanted a good time
Girl, I think I love you

She said she wanted to dance
She said she wanted to move
She said she wanted a good time
Girl, I think I love you

Now my band is on tour! It is the biggest tour ever! But just in UK...sadly...
On Friday their second concert in Dublin will on. Have a great trip guys! You are amazing!

Enjoy the song! I suggest to buy the whole album! It is so good!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Nice Video!

One more nice video!

I want to learn these songs too... some of them are my favourite...
How to play? I need to buy more sheets to practise...

Enjoy the video!

Today's Best Music 06/09/09

Let's listen to some super old music~:)

Fly Me To The Moon by Nat King Cole! That was a super old song. This song is so classic but i dont know why did i choose this song for today...Maybe is because my Math project?

I have no comment for this song. So classic. So amazing. Just listen to it.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Today's Best Music 06/04/09

Today's best music is Adam Lambert "No Boundaries".

Listen to the Studio Version first!

Here are the lyrics.

Adam Lambert - No Boundaries

Seconds hours so many days
You know what you want but how long can you wait
Every moment lasts forever when you feel you've lost your way
And what if my chances are already gone
I started believing that I could be wrong
But you gave me one good reason to fight and never walk away

So here I am still holding on!

With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath is harder to believe
You'll make it through the pain
Weather the hurricanes
To get to that one thing

Just when you think the road is going nowhere
Just when you've almost gave up on your dreams
They take you by the hand and show you that you can

There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries

I fought til the limit to stand on the edge
What if today is as good as it gets
Don't know where the future's heading
But nothing's gonna bring me down
I've jumped every bridge and I've run every line
I've risked being safe, I always knew why
I always knew why

So here I am still holding on!

With very step you climb another mountain
Every breath is harder to believe
You'll make it through the pain
Weather the hurricanes
To get to that one thing

Just when you think the road is going nowhere
Just when you've almost gave up on your dreams
They take you by the hand and show you that you can

You can go higher
You can go deeper
There are no boundaries
Above and beneath you
Break every rule coz there's nothing between you and your dreams

With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath is harder to believe
You'll make it through the pain
Weather the hurricanes
To get to that one thing

Just when you think the road is going nowhere
Just when you've almost gave up everything
They take you by the hand and show you that you can

There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries

So, the song is awesome, it makes everyone think that Kris Allen is not the REAL Idol because he is really not..
But, the song is still a nice song, written by Kara DioGuardi, also Adam sang it as a powerful, very strong vocal that make the whole song very emotive.
I will buy Adam's album for sure, because he is really really talented, kind and gentle, so hope to see him again as a mentor of American Idol Season 9!

I took this picture with a flying bird in Valencia, Spain. I took another picture with a flying bird, too. That one was took by the Lake Ontario and the background is the CN Tower. They were all very cool moment pictures.
This bird is really really beautiful.

Monday, June 1, 2009

I took this photo in ROM last Friday. It was a huge room with thousands of beautiful staffs that they are all amazing. This ceiling is made of gold, and I laid down to take the picture. It was a very beautiful picture in this trip.

P.S. ROM is really an awesome place.^^

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Adam Lambert On Regis & Kelly Show 05/27/2009

Adam Lambert was in the R&K show!
Let's take a look at the interview first.

And then....


Adam Lambert is so talent that he can easily reach an incredible note and do every song in his own style and perform it. Now Adam is very famous because of many reasons... but I still think that he will have a bright future.

He has no personal website yet.. I think he's quite busy now.

Here is the studio version of Mad World by Adam Lambert. Click me.!!


Monday, May 25, 2009

Today's Best Music 05/25/09

Today's Best Music is Black Eyed Peas: Boom Boom Pow.

This song is very oringinal, and sold 465,000 downloads in its first week, more and more later. It has already reached #1 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 and Pop 100. So amazing job.The song has also charted internationally and reached #1 in Canada as well, but why i like it is because it is very powerful, danceful, and make people feel comfortable with the song. That song is really really nice.

Click here to download the song from iTunes.

And here is the website of Black Eyed Peas:

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Today's Best Music 05/21/09

Today's best music is The Veronicas: Untouched.

This song is good because of the violin in the song. The violin's sound works in the pop song perfectly, and the vocals of two girls is very good too. This song has made the top 20 downloaded on iTunes. I like the song is because the mixing in this song is fantastic.

Click here to download the song from iTunes.

And here is the website of the veronicas:

World Builder(High Quality)

This is a fatastic video and according to the introduction it produced for 2 years!
Take a look and enjoy~